Home selling mistakes to avoid Home Selling Mistakes To Avoid

Selling your home can be an overwhelming process but that’s why I’m bringing you my list of the top home-selling mistakes that people often make. Keep this list in mind and you’ll be able to avoid some of the most common home-selling mistakes and make yourself thousands of dollars or more!

1. Pricing Your Home Too High

I've mentioned this before and it’s worth mentioning again. A home that is priced too high will discourage people from making an offer. Even if you think that the granite countertops you installed should allow you to raise your price, if it’s drastically over-priced compared to other houses on the street, it won’t bode well. It’s important to remember that your home is only worth what people are…

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Neighbourhood Spotlight:

Preston neighbourhood in Cambridge OntarioPreston

As a realtor who has a large focus in Cambridge, I think it’s important to understand the differences between each Cambridge neighbourhood before you decide to purchase a home in the area. This week I’m going to go in-depth about the different areas in the neighbourhood of Preston, which is centrally located in Cambridge.

Historic Downtown Preston is divided into North and South by King Street. Since this area is so centrally located, it’s a great place to live since you can get to most places in Cambridge very quickly. Riverside Park is Cambridge’s largest park and is conveniently located in Preston. Perfect for the outdoors-types, it runs along the length of the river and has beautiful walking paths and…

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18 Tannery St E Cambridge ON N3C 2C1We've Moved!

It was a long road but Dewar Realty has officially moved into our new home at:

18 Tannery St E in Cambridge!

This historic building in the heart of Hespeler was built in 1892, and was the home of the local Baptist church. In 1954  it changed hands and became the Salvation Army Citadel. The local history that this church has been a part of, and the stories the walls could share, are key elements of what we love about our new home.
(read more below for some Hespeler history!)

As your local hometown brokerage, we love Cambridge as much as anyone. We are proud to restore life back into this monument of our city's story, and we hope you'll stop by to say hi! We are still settling in and finishing some final touches, but don't let that…

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Family Day 2022 in Waterloo Region

Links and event information courtesy of explorewaterloo.ca

Monday, February 21st is Family Day in Waterloo Region and all of Ontario! A perfectly welcomed break from all the stresses the new year can bring, none the least being all the snow we just received! Since its inception in 2007, Family Day has been a time for families to get together, enjoy a little quality time, and have some fun.

Thankfully, Waterloo Region is full of fun family activities and events to help you make the most of the day! You can even take advantage of Ontario's Staycation Tax Credit to allow for even more adventures, including booking a stay at one of the many hotels, motels, and inns in the region.

Check out this list below and…

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Seller's Budget Worksheet: FREE Download

Selling your home is a big event that most people only ever do once, if at all. This can create a huge list of questions, and at the center it usually comes down to money.

If you are wondering what to budget and where it should go, I've got you covered! I've put together a Seller's Budget Worksheet for you to download for free. Just click the link below and you'll be able to save the PDF file and print it out.

Download free Seller's Budget Worksheet

Any questions about it? Contact me today and I'll help you out. 

Contact Dewar Realty

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How To Know When It's Time To Downsize Your Home

Retired couple enjoying a glass of wine at home - Is it time to downsize your home - Dewar Realty - The Real Estate Blog

As a realtor, I help people in all stages of their lives buy and sell their homes. One common question I get is when it’s time to downsize your home. While you are the best judge of whether or not it is the right time to downsize, here are some things to think about to help you make your choice.

Do you have extra, unused space in your home?

If you are an empty nester whose children have moved out, you're probably faced with a few extra rooms that don't get the same use that they used to. Maybe you don't need that third bathroom or second family room in the basement. As your children move out and start their own families, it's a good time to think about downsizing. Getting rid of that unused…

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You Have Received an Offer! Now What?

You never truly know what buyers are thinking when they make an offer, but, the ease of negotiations will be directly linked to the amount of preparation you've put into listing your home.

Below are your main areas of focus.

Working with the Price

If you get your asking price, or even over it, that's fantastic! If you don't find the price appropriate you can sign the offer back. This means you're refusing the offer and would like to make changes. One thing to remember is that buyers ultimately decide what your house is worth. If the showing feedback & offer history shows that your price may be high, then be flexible. There may be other ways to save money.

Working with the Closing Date

When do you…

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Buyer's Remorse - Avoid Costly Surprises

Buyer's Remorse Avoiding Costly Surprises when buying a home. frustrated manBuying a home is a process that most people will only go through once, and it should be a fun and positive experience. After all, this is the biggest purchase you are likely to make in your lifetime, and big moments are to be enjoyed. So you grab your list of new home "must-haves", start searching online for local listings, and you begin making calls to book some house showings. Eventually, you find 'the home', you put in an offer, and congratulations you are now a homeowner! But what happens when the dust settles, and you realize that your new home is full of surprises - and some are unpleasant ones?

There are so many details to consider when house hunting, that it can be very easy to overlook even big…

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Increasing Curb Appeal and Getting Buyers In The Door

Before you put money in to your home, the exterior should be taken care of. The first impression is made when potential buyers drive by your home or pull into your driveway. If it doesn’t look good, they are approaching with skepticism or they may just keep on driving!

While exterior improvements may not have a large ROI, compared to Interior improvements, they are essential. Anything on the outside of your home that needs improvement or replacement could significantly affect an offer price or the desire to place an offer at all. Some exterior items can have large price tags to fix and the average buyer won't be willing to assume major repairs. I know everyone has a different budget when…

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How To Price Your Home For Sale

Do you know what your home is worth? Do you know what your homes will sell for? Probably not!

We all want to achieve the highest possible sale price for our home. Consider this when establishing an asking price. In 2014 - 6,638 homes were listed in Cambridge and 3,131 of them sold. This means that only 47% were able to sell their home. So, how do you join the SOLD percentage?

Pricing your Cambridge, ON home accurately is very important to achieving a sale, so be realistic. The price is the first thing buyers look at and if they feel your home is overpriced it can linger on the market, or encourage buyers to look at other options. Remember - Although you set the asking price, the value of your home is determined…

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