Satisfy Your Curiosity
Your home could be worth more than you think. As an experienced REALTOR®, I know how to evaluate your home correctly.
Why guess when you can find out? I offer 3 easy options to professionally determine your home’s current market value. All free and with zero obligation.
Electronic comparable sales review. Using a state-of-the-art software program, I’ll analyze past and current data of similar homes from your area. Then, I’ll produce a summary and email it to you.
Contactless video assessment. We’ll arrange a time to meet virtually through a video conferencing tool. Then, using your camera, you’ll take me throughout your home for a tour, as we discuss its details.
In-home evaluation. The most accurate method, we’ll schedule an appointment where I’ll come over for a short visit. I take extreme care to protect both of us and strictly follow all public health guidelines.
***Bonus for in-home evaluations*** I’ll provide my expert recommendations for improvements, so that your home gets you the largest return possible when you’re ready to sell it.
Simply fill out this form to reveal your home’s worth!
*Your information will never be shared with any third party.