Competing for the house you want is a reality you have to deal with when it comes to buying a home in 2016. This can often be a stressful process and one that makes a lot of people uneasy. The process often becomes even more stressful when you’re in a hot market.

Problems with a Hot Market

When people find themselves looking for homes in a hot market, it can be tempting to make emotional and hasty decisions which might cause you to ignore real facts about a house or neighbourhood. One thing I frequently remind my clients of is, just because you’re competing doesn’t mean you should ignore the market value of the home. It might seem like an easy solution to outbid everyone else who is interested in the home, but this might back fire on you when it…

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So you’ve decided it’s time to purchase a new home and maybe you’ve even thought about putting an offer in. But now you find yourself holding back because you’re worried about the closing dates and whether or not you’ll find yourself without a place to live during that time.  

During the home buying process, many people are afraid if they sell their house they won’t have anywhere to move to. The thing I tell my clients most is that risk equals reward in a hot market. This problem also exists on the flip side too. If you sell your house before you find a house you want to buy, you’re in an even more precarious situation than you would be if you had found a home, bought it and then listed your own home.  

The best way to avoid this problem is to…

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It’s no secret that Cambridge, and the rest of Ontario, is experiencing a hot housing market right now.

This means that there is more and more competition between buyers for properties in every price range which drives up house prices. It’s definitely to a seller’s advantage when listing their home in a hot market, but as for a potential buyer, how can you find a deal and avoid overpaying for the home you want? It’s not easy but there are a few key ways to identify deals in a hot market so you can have more options.

  1. Run ads or distribute flyers. While it’s easy to look for homes online, these homes are seen by many interested realtors and home buyers. A different way to approach this is through direct marketing. This means that you either place…

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One of the hardest things to do when buying a home in a hot market is to keep your cool and make a smart housing investment.

The process can feel aggravating, especially if you’ve placed numerous offers that were never accepted. Right now, it’s becoming increasingly common to lose out on the house you want due to the high volume of competition. I’m sharing some advice on how to avoid getting caught up in the often stressful process of finding a home so that you can make a good investment when you decide to buy.

Pump the brakes (but hit the gas when you need to). If you find yourself getting caught up in the details and the emotions of the home buying process, you should probably step back, examine the situation and make sure you’re going in the…

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