Pros & Cons of Buying a Home

Pros and cons of buying a houseWelcome back to my two-part blog series on renting vs. buying a home! This week’s post takes a look at the pros and cons of buying a home. It’s no secret that I think buying a home is more beneficial than renting for most people. Take a look at the pros and cons of buying a home below and start thinking about which option is best for you!

Pros of Buying a Home:

  • Owning your home builds equity and it’s an asset that can be sold down the line. This means that if the house appreciates in value, you will make a profit when you sell the home.
  • Even if your home doesn’t appreciate in value (which is highly unlikely) you still have an asset you can sell when it is paid off.
  • Your monthly mortgage payments are stable,…

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Pros & Cons of Renting a Home

Renting vs buying a house

As a Cambridge realtor, one of the questions I’m often asked is whether it’s better to rent or buy. Truthfully, it depends on your situation, what you can afford and whether or how long you plan to stay in your home. Right now I’m covering the pros and cons of renting vs. buying in a two-part blog series but in a later post I’ll share why I believe buying is always preferable. This blog post is dedicated to the pros and cons of renting a home and what to keep in mind if this is a decision you’re leaning towards. Stay tuned for next week’s blog post on the pros and cons of buying a home.

Pros of Renting a Home

  • No maintenance is required. If something breaks or you have a plumbing issue, it will be your landlord’s…

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