The baby boomers are a huge generation, spanning in birth years from 1946 to 1964. The youngest baby boomers are 52, while the older ones are 70, meaning a lot of them are empty nesters and either retired or on the verge of retirement.

With all that said, we’ve put together some of the top trends in baby boomer home buying. Whether you’re a baby boomer wondering where you should put your real estate dollars or the child of a baby boomer helping mom and dad look for their next home, these trends offer good insight into baby boomer real estate.

Downsizing but Upgrading

Since many baby boomers are empty nesters, they are downsizing to less square footage but are upgrading everything else. They often prefer high end finishes that they may not have…

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You’ve almost certainly heard of how important it is to conduct a home inspection before buying a home, but did you know that it’s nearly equally as important to have a home inspection done on your own home before you sell it?

Why get a pre-listing home inspection?

You likely believe your home looks fine the way it is and you haven’t run into any major issues, so why bother even getting a home inspection? The top reason why a pre-listing home inspection is so important is because prospective buyers are going to go through your home with a very critical eye and could identify issues that you might not have even considered. This could ultimately cost you the sale of your home and might turn into something you need to repair before anyone will actually…

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Buying a home in today’s real estate market can often be stressful. Putting in an offer and deciding how much you’re willing to spend on a home is an incredibly difficult decision, especially when you consider the different conditions that can be attached to your offer.

Conditions are terms that need to be fulfilled before the closing of the house. They can cover all sorts of important things, like financing, home inspections and more. A conditional offer differs from a firm offer because a firm offer means you’ll purchase the home no matter what, without any conditions. A firm offer to purchase a home is preferable to the seller, whereas a conditional offer is preferable to the buyer.

In this week’s blog post, we’re sharing some of the most popular…

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