How to Declutter Before MovingPlanning on moving soon? Then along with the occasion, make plans to also part ways with clothes and other things that you no longer have any use for. This decluttering is essential for several reasons, notably:

  • To make your home show better if you’re selling property in conjunction with the move.
  • The need to have to move less to your new home.
  • The ability to make extra money by selling items at a garage sale or boost your tax return by donating unneeded or unwanted items.

But just how should you go about decluttering your home? Here’s a closer look:

Tips on Decluttering Before Moving

  • Consider the seasons: Pack away and store any clothes or décor that is out of season. While you’re doing this, pay special attention to any…

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How to avoid being house poor Dewar RealtyWhether it’s your mortgage, your property taxes, utilities, maintenance or some other expense associated with home ownership, if you find yourself spending too much on your home to the extent where you have limited – or no – spending income for other needs, then you might be what is often considered “house poor.”

While some people may become house poor for reasons outside of their control (i.e. layoffs, pay cuts, death of a spouse, etc.), for many others becoming house poor is self-inflicted – and it all starts with not being smart with the home you choose when you’re in the home-buying process. Read our previous blog post Are You Financially Ready to Buy a Home?


 So how do you avoid becoming house poor? Here’s a look:

  • Know the costs of…

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