Found 4 blog entries tagged as community.

Market Watch

Historic Hespeler Textile Building Site Project Gets Green Light

July 22, 2022 - via Barbara Latkowski []

'I think redevelopment is essential, but I think it is just as essential to retain the history and culture of that site'

A plan of the new building redevelopment located at the historic Dominion Woollens/Silknit /Forbes textile building at 211-215 Queen St. W. in Hespeler. City of Cambridge A plan of the new building redevelopment located at the historic Dominion Woollens/Silknit /Forbes textile building at 211-215 Queen St. W. in Hespeler.

Cambridge city council has approved a development project at an historic site at 211-215 Queen St. W. in Hespeler.

The Blacks Point Development project will begin construction in two phases while preserving the historic Dominion Woollens/Silknit /Forbes textile building, a designated heritage property that fronts the Speed River.

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students looking for community service hours

Hey, Students!

Looking for Community Service hours?

We want to hear from you.

As every student knows, in order to receive an Ontario Secondary School Diploma every graduate is required to have completed a minimum of 40 hours of community service. There are many ways in which a student can achieve this goal including helping with local food banks, community park clean-ups, and volunteering at retirement centers. This is a great opportunity for youth to gain a strong sense of community and even a bit of work-transferrable experience. In return, our community becomes a better place thanks to their efforts.

Dewar Realty is thrilled to be able to offer opportunities to help with projects and events in the community, while also helping…

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2021 Holiday Toy Drive | Dewar Realty


'Tis the Season to be giving! Dewar Realty is proud to support our local Cambridge Salvation Army by hosting a Toy Drive!

Each year the Cambridge Salvation Army helps bring joy to over 2,000 local children through their annual toy drives. The need is even greater this year with so many people struggling through these difficult times. A goal has been set to deliver toys to over 2,200 children, and we want to do our part to reach this goal!

Every Donation Helps!

Bring a New Unwrapped Toy to our office located at 295 Jamieson Parkway Unit 1 in Cambridge between December 6th and 16th, during regular business hours.

We are also collecting Gently Used Winter Coats and Outer Wear as well as Non-Perishable Food Items.

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Welcome to Cambridge, Ontario | The Real Estate Blog | Dewar Realty IncWelcome to
Cambridge, Ontario

As a Cambridge realtor, I frequently get asked what part of Cambridge is best to live in. My answer always depends on what the asker’s lifestyle is – do they like to be in the thick of things or are they looking for a quiet spot to settle down? Do they have children or would they prefer to be in a good location to commute to Toronto?

One of the reasons why Cambridge is such an appealing place to live is because of its proximity to Toronto and also because the city itself is mature with a wide range of different styles of homes. There are four main neighbourhoods in Cambridge – each of which I’ve written about before but I think is worth tying together with an nice overview for an even easier comparison.

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