Increase Buyer Excitement with Each Room
When potential buyers are in your home they’re going to compare it with other homes they like. If they don’t like what they see, the showing won’t last 5 minutes, and they’ll be on to the next one.
Preparing the Interior
As buyers are viewing your home they’re making a checklist of what they do & don’t like. It’s your job to make sure the list of “Don’t likes” is a short one. You want buyers to move from room to room, gaining more and more excitement. The more you accomplish this, the quicker your home will sell and the more likely you are to receive a higher sale price.
The Minimum
Get out the magic eraser! Scuff marks on the floor or walls are a normal aspect of any home, especially if you have children. However, these marks can make your home seem less-than-perfect, leaving potential buyers wondering what else has been overlooked. Remove all these marks, and don't forget the baseboards and door trims!
Fresh Smelling
Nothing worse than a smelly house! People will count the seconds until they can leave. This ties in with being clean but if you smoke, have several animals, cook potent foods, or anything of this nature - you need to address the root of the problem and attempt to eliminate the odours. Some air fresheners will do the rest once you’ve tackled the issue.
Existing Problems
Clearly any existing problems in your home should be the first thing you fix. If you are aware of a problem with the house you are required to disclose it and the easiest way to do that is if the problem has already been fixed.
Walls & Ceilings
Any damage to these areas should be repaired. A fresh coat of paint can really spruce up a home for a minimal investment. Pick fresh, bright, and neutral colours. An easy way to do this is to ask the paint store what their most popular neutrals colours currently are.
When you have people coming to view your home you should have all of the lights on inside & out. Your fixtures should give sufficient light to see without problems and all light bulbs should be in place & working. New modern light fixtures are also an inexpensive way to update your home throughout.
This room may be the most important if you want to receive top dollar. At minimum you should scrub everything & de-clutter. There are many different levels of kitchen Reno’s from new counters & floors, to complete remodels. Your Kitchen is where you’re likely see the greatest ROI should you choose to renovate.
Almost as important as the kitchen! When your home is for sale everything in your bathroom should be spotless. Small and large Reno’s can improve the appeal of your bathroom(s) tremendously. Anything from new counters & modern fixtures all the way to full Reno’s will certainly help you achieve a higher price and quicker sale over your competition.
If your flooring is worn or outdated it can be difficult to revive. You may need to refinish hardwood, have carpets or grout cleaned, or start fresh with new flooring. An honest assessment can be taken before you list your home. There are tons of affordable options in new flooring today & it can be a wise investment if done properly.
Mechanical Systems
Vital to all homes. Your plumbing, electrical, & HVAC systems should all function without incident. If you are experiencing problems with any of these have a professional in to repair or replace the required elements. You may not see a significant return on these improvements but buyers expect safe & working mechanics.
Need Some Help?
Are you ready to selling your home? Contact Dewar Realty today, we can help you navigate all the steps required to maximize your home's selling value. Plus, we guarantee your home sold in 15 days, or you get $10,000*
*conditions apply
Posted by Greg Dewar on
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